Smithies, You Rocked It

Credit to Jade Bowden '11

Credit to Architectur Girl (thumbnails as well)

What do you get when you add house cheer and spirit plus a corset plus unruly behavior that summons an annual “behave yourselves and cover your nipples e-mail? Smith College Convocation 2010 of course!

As always, the best party around town kicks off the start of the fall semester. Smithies from every house run to JMG with house banners and butt cheeks blazing to celebrate their school pride and see friends not seen for the summer. Students run up the spiral stair case to the balcony to find their seats and cheer when their class years have been called. The choir sings…Smithies yell and scream…President Christ speaks…Smithies yell and scream! There is truly no other event like this on earth.

Professor Floyd Cheung delivered an incredible address that rang true in the hearts of every person in the building. His speech, far more profound than recent predecessors, paralleled the excitement of everyone there.  I must say that it was refreshing to hear a speech that motivated not only our minds, but our hearts as well. Far too often we find ourselves absorbed in our academics, our classes, our lives, and fail to remember our dreams and our deepest desires. Cheung, a professor of academics and life, reminds us that we must educate not only our minds, but our souls.

Convocation is Smith College’s finest hour.

2 Comments on “Smithies, You Rocked It”

  1. Brigid says:

    I’m glad you all had a good speaker this year. Last year’s was more than just awful – she was mind-numbing and soul-killing. Have a great year!

  2. jean hardy says:

    what about that senior who spoke?

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